Graham and Wanda's regular remuneration no longer comes from their commending church. Since reaching 65 they are now beneficiaries. The Scriptures teach that 'a labourer is worthy of his hire' and we hope that if you invite Graham you will fulfil your financial obligations with this in view.
Graham and Wanda continue to work by faith, have no set salary, and do not charge fees for their ministry. We would ask that as you consider a koha/gift, you take into account the time spent in preparation, expenses incurred, the people they counsel, the time they spend in your area, and the time needed for follow-up work.

We have found that the easiest system all round is for Graham and Wanda to arrange their own travel obtaining the cheapest fares possible. They will purchase the fares then forward you the invoice to make repayment into their account. You can claim these fares as your expenses and of course reclaim your G.S.T this way.